7:00am - 8:00am
Professor Kozmo
Afro Blue
The Derek Trucks Band
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Round Up: “What a fun weekend!”


“What a fun weekend!”
February 25, 2025

It has been five years since KWMR produced Sweethearts of the Radio. I will admit that my event-muscle-memory is a little on the weak side, but I didn’t forget too many critical things. It was a great concert and the crowd was fabulous! The musicians nailed it and Nina Gerber’s pup sort of stole the show. Dogs will be dogs.

Nina Gerber and Laurie Lewis (note the empty dog bed) photo: Kevin Buckholtz

Nina’s dog generally sits on the stage while she plays (lucky dog), but at Sweethearts, the dog also thought the crowd was fabulous and went to check them out. It all got sorted and the show went on!

The KWMBaR was hopping prior to the show and at intermission. A big thank you to our exclusive spirit sponsor, Griffo Distillery for helping us raise the bar on our libations! Griffo hosts live music every sunday from 2-5 PM at their tasting room/venue 1320 Scott Street in Petaluma. We hope to partner with them musically this coming summer! 

A big thank you to our sponsors: Station House CafeSide Street Kitchen, and Point Reyes Books! And to Bovine Bakery for the delicious cookies (which I forgot to pick up). Thankfully Bridget Devlin was able to bring them. Thank you Bridget!!!

Thanks to Laurie LewisNina Gerber, and Misner and Smith for the wonderful music. To Mia Johnson-Martinez and Jorge Martinez for emceeing, and to our volunteers who helped set up and break down. James Mohri and Jeff Manson for the sound engineering, and to the Dance Palace for being a great place to hold an event. A big thank you to Kevin Buckholtz for taking some amazing photos.

Sweethearts 2025 Slideshow

On Sunday we cruised up to Tomales to see KWMR’s own Transmitter Wrangler Richard Dillman give a presentation on wireless communication. It was everything you would expect of an RD presentation; informative, in depth, great visuals, every seat filled, and with a great deal of humor! It was held at the Tomales History Center and it was recorded and should show up on their Youtube channel at some point, in case you missed it. THC has some fascinating programming coming up!

Richard Dillman doing what he loves to do.  Photo: MHRS website.

Read below for more details about KWMR Founder and producer of “Letter from A. Broad” Muriel Murch’s book launch events! The KWMBaR will be there with some special afternoon offerings. Saturday March 8th at the Bolinas Museum, or Sunday March 23rd at the Dance Palace Church Space. See YOU there!

Waylon giving me “The Look.”   photo: AE

I have heard from a few people who have not heard from Waylon for a while. He has effectively retired as a radio office dog and now gets to spend more time patrolling the perimeter of the yard, digging holes, and keeping an eye on the birds. He is doing great! He was a bit miffed to hear that Nina’s dog got to go to the concert…

Amanda Eichstaedt
Station Manager and Executive Director

7:00am - 8:00am
Afro Blue
The Derek Trucks Band