6:30pm - 8:30pm
The Place I Left Behind
The Deep Dark Woods
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Roundup: “Ta Da!”


Tuesday Oct 15, 2024
From the less messy desk of Amanda Eichstaedt

Ta Da!

I am happy to inform you that we are over the database blues. In fact today we are sending out the Round Up newsletter using our new email platform that comes with our fancy schmancy new database! Here at KWMR we are all about transparency, thus, here is some important information for you, the recipient of this email newsletter.

Back 14 ½ years ago when I started at KWMR, the newsletter was a beast for me to handle. Former Board Member Laurie Monserrat offered to help out and produced our Constant Contact newsletter for many months. As I came up to speed I took it over, and now share the responsibilities with the great team here at KWMR. We strive for consistency, authenticity, and hopefully we get a few laughs now and again. I can attest that some of the columns have made me shed a tear or two. Change can be fun and funky, and we hope you stay on this wild ride with all of us.

KWMR has been using Mailchimp for many years. We are migrating the newsletter to the new platform to reduce the number of different platforms and to save money. Mia Johnson-Martinez has taken care to create the email templates that we will use.

We heard from you that the Round Up was getting too long. The newsletter will be the same, and different, in the following ways:

My column, the Editor’s Club, and key information will be retained.

Reduced scrolling. No more lists of highlights. We are moving to an “A Week” and “B Week” schedule format (as well as the full schedule) so you can quickly scan it to see if your favorite biweekly program is on this week! Big thanks to Jeff Manson for his design work. Note: There are a few once a month shows, and we will highlight those, as well as special broadcasts, in a text box the week that they are on the airwaves.

The Epicenter Newsletter (that normally comes out on Friday) is going away, and the previous week’s Epicenter shows will appear in the Round Up going forward. And…if you can’t wait until Tuesday you can easily search the archives on KWMR.org and find the episode quickly since we are now including show descriptions. Hooray!

In order to be most efficient and inclusive, we are sending out the new newsletter to everyone in our database with an active email.

If you have previously unsubscribed from the Round Up, we get it. It’s cool. You can unsubscribe from this one, too! But we ask that you give us a few weeks, and if you still can’t stand it, by all means please unsubscribe. If you are getting this newsletter and would prefer that it goes to a different email, let us know, and we will update your email address.

We will be sending one last Mailchimp email to catch any stragglers!

Thanks for hanging with us. We appreciate all your listening ears! We are also looking forward to your feedback.

Amanda Eichstaedt

Station Manager/Executive Director

Waylon! Support animal extraordinaire!  photo: Amanda Eichstaedt

6:30pm - 8:30pm
The Place I Left Behind
The Deep Dark Woods